Wednesday, September 15, 2010

OK....I suck at blogging

My name is Kristin, and I SUCK at blogging.  This was a great idea, in theory, by a friend who is just an amazing Mother, Wife, Christian, Worker, Dish Washer, and Laundry folder, and she showers and puts on makeup EVERY day.  She is HOT, and her hubby is a lucky guy.   I say this in all honesty, she really is.  Yae....good for her.  Well, let me just say, that I not only suck at blogging, but I have PILES of laundry in my room in random baskets, just yearning to be folded, and I usually run my dishes from the previous nights dinner, while I am making my morning coffee.  You have done it too, so don't be all "Oh my goodness!"  Plus, I work nights, so my nights tend to run over into the next day.  I DO shower everyday, but I rarely wear makeup, and "hot" is probably the least descriptive adjuctive there is for me.  There.  You have the dish.  I try my best to get to this dang blog, but let me say, that there are usually 428 things that hit me all at once during the course of any given day, like a battering ram against my head, that usually interfere with me actually sitting down to type it all out.  That's why I love Facebook.  You say it....your the end of the day, you see what your "friends" have to say about it.  Why does blogging have to be so "interactive" anyway?  When are they going to invent some sort of contraption that will just read my thoughts, then put them down to print?  Oh....did they already do that?  Sorry, I don't even text, so I'm a bit behind.  I will once again blame it on "the others" who so lovingly occupy my time. 
I DO love to write.  And I DO love people.  Especially the ones that God put me directly in charge of on this earth.  Let me say, that I have SO many people who say "write that book!" and I am writing.  Maybe not as speedily as I need to.  (again, I blame "the others" because they can be SO distracting!) 
So here is my challenge to myself.  1. I challenge myself to POST on this stupid thing (the blog) at least 3-4 times a week.   2. I challenge myself to post without going through 600 proof reads because I fear you all will judge my grammer and punctuation.  "JUST POST IT WOMAN!" (said by my 18 y/o "other")  3.  I will apply my favorite scripture, "Don't be afraid, just believe" Mark 5:36  Because fear, is Satan's way of stopping us from doing what God has called us to do in the first place. 
There you go.  I just rambled, and I won't proof read it. 
a.k.a. Kiki

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